Seed Savers Exchange Kohlrabi, Delicatesse White Kohlrabi

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SKU: 0216
Regular price $4.25

Seed Savers Exchange

Kohlrabi, Delicatesse White Kohlrabi

Brassica oleracea

  • Conventional
  • Packet of 250 Seeds

This kohlrabi has it all - juicy, crunchy, and crisp stems and a slightly spicy, sweet flavor. The bulbs are light-green and round to slightly elongated, and the plants have light-green petioles with light-purple bases. The light- to dark-green leaves are mostly elliptical in shape (with the occasional obovate leaf) and have round-toothed margins. Variability occurs from plant to plant, but each plant has uniform leaves; the plants grow 12-17" tall and reach 22-28" in diameter. Stems are 2" to just over 2½" long and approximately 2¾-3½" wide, and weigh 4.7-9.5 oz.

Learn To Grow It

Instructions - Best grown in cooler weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked and danger of hard frost has passed. Can also be started indoors and transplanted out. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Kohlrabi is also an excellent fall crop.

  • Direct Seed: 1" Apart
  • Seed Depth: 1/4"
  • Rows Apart: 12-18"
  • Thin: 4" Apart

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